Membership Registration Form

Membership Registration Form

As per the Turkish-Canadian Society (TCS) Bylaws, to apply for TCS membership, the fields with (*) in the membership form below must be filled out and the annual membership fees must be paid. By filling out the membership form, you agree to the rules and conditions in the TCS Bylaws, Section 2. TCS Bylaws Membership Rules (Section 2)  

The 2024 annual membership fees are set as $30 for ordinary and $10 for student (18+) members. TCS membership is free for ages 18 years and under. Companies and associations that donate $1,000 or more may become associate members for one year upon the TCS Board’s approval. Non-profit organizations are not required to make donations or pay annual dues to become associate members.

By submitting the membership registration form, you affirm that:

You want to be a TCS member (You will receive emails for TCS official meetings, membership reminders and subscribe to receive TCS notification and newsletter emails)
You hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions as provided in the TCS Bylaws.

Register with credit/debit card (recommended):
Ordinary Membership ($30) 
Student Membership ($10)

Register with e-Transfer/cheque or as Youth/Honorary Member:

Click here for all other payment methods 
74705 Kitsilano RPO 2768 West Broadway
Vancouver BC, V6K 4P4 Canada
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